Step by Step Process To File TDS Return Online By Utility
It is observed that uploading TDS return on TRACES portal can be hard for few of the taxpayers. Also, there are complications with the data process on the government portal.
Recently the NSDL e-Gov prepared a software solution namely e-TDS/TCS return preparation utility (RPU) in order to ease the preparation of e-TDS/ TCS filing returns. The government has made this VB based utility absolutely free while there are other utilities available for multiple statements.
Requirements for TDS return upload:
- E-filing Registered and Valid TAN
- Return Preparation Utility (RPU) must be used while preparing TDS statement while File Validation Utility (FVU) for validation.
- Valid DSC registered to upload implementing DSC
- Demat account or principal contact’s bank account to be given or else principal contact’s PAN to be attached with Aadhar for uploading EVC
So to make it easy, here is the step by step process for online filing TDS return making use of the utility present on NSDL:
Step 1: Registration on Traces and E-filing is the first step. Firstly, on traces, register your TAN number. But registration cannot be processed if you have not filed a TDS return (other than NIL Return). Because for registering on TRACES, you will need a token number and the challan details of your previously filed return. (For filing TDS Return as TDS returns are uploaded on E-Filing, you do not need registration on Traces). Your TAN number has to be registered on E-Filing site.
Step 2: To download the utility from TIN-NSDL is the second step. For TDS Return preparation, three are two utilities present
- First is RPU (Return Preparation Utility), with which we prepare TDS Return.
- Second is FVU (File Validation Utility), with which we prove that data incorporated in RPU by matching the details with CSI File. Given below is the link from where you can download the utility from TIN-NSDL:
Step 3: Now the question arises- what is CSI File? CSI File is also known as CIN File is a challan status inquiry file which is needed to prove the data while preparing TDS Return. It can be downloaded by the following process:
- Go to
- Click on TAN BASED VIEW.
- Fill in the required details.
- After this, you can download it.
- Note that– while downloading the period for CSI File, it must include challan which was mentioned by you in your return.
Step 4: After downloading both the utilities, open RPU and select the appropriate form number and then select Regular and then Click to Continue.
Step 5: Then fill all the appropriate details.
Step 6: Save your file after filling all the details and then click on the Create File. a dialog box will pop up. In the first box (Challan input file name with path), select the CSI File which you downloaded previously.
Step 7: In the next box (Error and statistics report file path), select the folder where all the files will be saved after generating. Then Click on Validate.
Few files will be generated and saved in the selected folder.
Step 8: Then open FUV and a Dialog Box will pop up. In the first box (TDS input file name with path) select the file with “.txt” extension which was generated in the previous step. In the second box, select CSI File and in the third box, select a folder where files will be saved after generating.
Then click on Validate.
- Few files will be generated. There will be an error file in the generated file if you make any mistake while preparing a return. In the files generated, there will be a PDF file named “27 A”. To find it, recheck the details.
- Convert the file with “.fvu” extension into the ZIP file.
Step 9: With the registered TAN number Log into E-Filing for which you are preparing the return. Click on TDS and the upload. Fill up the details and upload the ZIP File and Signature file and submit the return.
- Correct the error which is found during the validation in Step-8. Again create the file and validate it again.
Step 10: After 2-3 days, filed return status can be checked on TRACES.
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